The Standard Grill for Brunch

I’ve dined just once at The Standard Grill, but my first experience wasn’t memorable enough to entice me to return. Last weekend, my friend and building neighbor suggested it for brunch, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to give the place a second chance. Despite my unexciting first dinner, I’ve never been let down by their cocktails, and I absolutely love the look and feel of the place. Somewhat of a modern French Bistro in the front of the house, pristine black and white detail cover every corner, and a long marble bar faces expansive windows looking onto Washington Street.

The back of the house resembles a classic steakhouse with unique touches such as penny-covered floors and  red-bench lined booths. The setting is tasteful and absolutely gorgeous, down to every detail of the table settings (ie two salt and pepper shakers as magnetic kissing dogs). Quite fitting for a neighborhood saturated with models, designers, artists and all things ridiculously beautiful.

At around 12:30pm our party of four was asked to wait just 10 minutes despite the crowd by the reservationist. There was plenty of space to spread out, and plenty of people watching to be had. Most interesting to me was the meat carver slicing fresh meat and cheese to the left of the bar. We ordered off of the long list of brunch cocktails which included everything from a corpse reviver with gin and absinthe to a classic mimosa fancied up with rum and blood orange. My friend ordered the orchard bellini with apricot liqueur and fresh fruit puree – a little too sweet for my taste but a delightful brunch option nonetheless.

After sampling each other’s cocktails, we were seated at a round four seater in the penny-floored dining room behind the bar. Service greeted us promptly and we placed our orders for coffee. With appetizers, entrees, and classic brunch specials, this menu is savior for the picky but a devil for the indecisive…you can probably guess it took me a while to place my order. Having had a long night of drinking with my friend Sonia the night before, I thought I’d be healthy and order the Standard Cobb Salad…with a side of fries.

Within minutes of ordering, our food appeared sans the coffee and tea I had been desperate for, and I was prompted to ask a bus boy to bring it out. Definitely an absolute no-no for restaurant service. Service aside, the food was perfectly good, though the fries could have used less salt. The cobb salad included all of the components promised in the menu, and everyone’s eggs looked delicious. Added bonus: the paper bag of mini salted baguettes and fresh butter.

Though I’m usually intolerant of service blips, I won’t hold the coffee and tea delay against The Standard. Our food arrived promptly, waitstaff was very attentive, and for the potential stuffiness of the place, they were quite warm and friendly. I loved the oversized menu and the variety within it. If I’m ever in need of a local brunch spot (especially when I don’t have the patience to wait long for a table), I’d definitely consider trying The Standard again.

Grade: B+

Location: 848 Washington Street between 13th and 14th Street


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Filed under American, Brunch, Business Meal, Meatpacking

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